Miles Meets Sam
An internship from October 2020
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I have a rare talent: my belly hairs form a whirl pool that gathers fibers from my clothes and makes a delicate ball in my belly button. It is something I am very proud of. I love the gesture of how it collects and archives tiny fibers from my day that I was otherwise unaware of.

Could there be a sonic equivalent of this? Something that picks up imperceptible fibers of daily sound and deposits them in my ear in a tiny fluffy ball. At the end of everyday, before I go to bed, I will brush my teeth, collect the little sound ball from my ear and take it to bed. There I will have a simple contraption on the bedstead, it grips the sound ball at one end and unravels it across to the other side. Now it will resonate with the little sounds of my day and I'll drift off to sleep.

PS. What if the bed contraption can unravel two sound balls? (One plucked my ear and the other my girlfriend's.) The two archives of daily sonic fiber would play over each other. Hmm there could be privacy issues. Scrap that.